Shaddie B.
Throughout the course of his musical career, Shaddie has won over the hearts of music lovers from all walks of life. Performing at a variety of venues, making dozens of appearances, all the while recording new music, Shaddie has earned the admiration and affection of countless fans, serving as both an inspiration and role model. Rashaad "Shaddie" Nunnally is an entertainer from the Crestside streets of North Vallejo born on July 1st. Shaddie is a father, athlete, musician, comedian, entertainer, songwriter, performer and all-around fun character to know and be around. His name Rashaad Dominic, was given by Yahweh through a dream his father had when he was 16 years-old. Shaddie was raised as the only child by his mother with help from his grandparents after the divorce of his parents. At the age of two after an incident of almost being shot along with his father while in his arms during an altercation in a hotel, his mother left the County of Kings in the City of Lemoore. Shaadie and his mother were homeless with only the clothes on their back and had to move in with his grandparents on the 12 hundred block of Griffin Drive in the North Vallejo neighborhood of the Country Club Crest. While growing up in The Crest, he also spent a lot of time in Georgia and North Carolina which is the hub of both sides of his family by way of Trinidad-Tobago and Kingston, Jamaica. Due to his wide range of traveling to visit family he has seen and been a part of many different types of struggles. After living in Vallejo since the age of two, and traveling back and forth between California, Georgia and North Carolina he then moved to Sacramento due to his mothers job change in efforts of getting Shaadie in a better environment as well as a better academic and athletic school. After moving from Vallejo to Sacramento in 2002, and graduating in 2004, he would be the first in over 40 years to be offered and sign a full track and field scholarship UC Berkeley (Cal). While at UC Berkeley, he ran in to old child hood friends from the Pop Warner football days; Marshawn Lynch, Robert Jordan and Virdell Larkins and soon learned that by distant relatives they were all in fact cousins. He then found out that many others in their huge family were all collegiate athletes throughout the country as well. Once the cousins linked up, they all collectively made the patented "Twist-n-Hook" hand signal to represent the Fam 1st Family movement that they all created, believed in and lived. Shaadie attended UC Berkeley on scholarship until 2007 where he withdrew from the school to grow on his own accord and focus on his music and family full time. Since then, Shaadie has been a part of the co-op mFm; Music Family Money which consist of 5 of the Fam 1st Family members who are all relatives, ex-collegiate athletes and music artists who came together to showcase their individual and combined musical talents on stage and in recordings. He also co-founded and runs his own non-profit organization and record label along with his brother Brandon "KB" Henry called Mac Life which is an acronym for Mind's Achieving Change Living In Forgotten Environments. In 2016 Shaadie moved him and his family to the State of Utah in efforts to have a better living and growth situation for his wife and kids outside of the financial and environmental struggles they faced while being in the Valley and Bay Area of Northern California. By 2017 Shaadie connected with Carey "CJ" Drisdom of the Changing Lanes Experience Band. Since their joining of forces CJ Drisdom has not only become his personal music manager, but also hired Shaddie as a lead vocalist and MC in his Changing Lanes Entertainment Group as a member of The Lane Changers Band. He also signed Shaddie as the first artist out of the Lakehouse Studios facility in Downtown Salt Lake City.